Install Dropbear On CentOS 5 and 6
In the name of Allah , the beneficen, the merciful Assalamualaikum.
This time im share how to install dropbear on CentOS 5 and 6. An very much tutor like this on internet, :) but im just post again. And to the point. lets check it out.
First time you must have a Server or VPS to install this app, important. XD
CentOS 5 32 and 64 bit For Cent OS 6 32 and 64 bit And Install it, And next config the system file dropbear, im use nano editor. Just like this, And add this code to any place Save it Ctrl+X and pres y next enter. Next restart it, And final time add Dropbear to system start And Dropbear ready for use, :)
This time im share how to install dropbear on CentOS 5 and 6. An very much tutor like this on internet, :) but im just post again. And to the point. lets check it out.
First time you must have a Server or VPS to install this app, important. XD
CentOS 5 32 and 64 bit For Cent OS 6 32 and 64 bit And Install it, And next config the system file dropbear, im use nano editor. Just like this, And add this code to any place Save it Ctrl+X and pres y next enter. Next restart it, And final time add Dropbear to system start And Dropbear ready for use, :)